

  • Co-Editor in Chief (with M. Biren), Discipline and Discharge in Arbitration, 3rd ed. (BNA: 2015); Co-Editor in Chief (with M. Biren), Discipline and Discharge in Arbitration, 2nd ed. (BNA: 2008); Editor in Chief, Discipline and Discharge in Arbitration, (Washington: BNA:1998)
  • Editor, How ADR Works (Washington: BNA, 2002)
  • Editor in Chief, Discipline and Discharge in Arbitration, (Washington: BNA:1998)
  • Labor Arbitration: The Strategy of Persuasion, 2nd ed. (San Francisco: 2006)
  • Legal Writing: The Strategy of Persuasion (with J. O. White), New York: St. Martin's Press, 1976, 1988, 1993)

Selected Articles

For a complete list of published articles, please refer to the CV.